I spent over six years in school working towards a law degree with an English emphasis because I believed that was the only way I could create a living for myself, support my family and make a difference in the world. And one day my great uncle died and my life turned up-side down. Suddenly the landscape did not look quit so appealing, nor did I feel alive or able to function other then do the work and get the grades.
It seems that when people follow the very well worn path that others have said you must follow in order to receive A, B or C, the soul begins to slowly shrivel. We do not know it, more than likely we do not even feel it, we just know that deep down happiness is hard to find. Until one day, something happens to wake up the soul, a little hint or glimmer but its so small its hard to comprehend.
For me that awakening happened when I sat down and sewed up an apron. It was not the best looking apron as I had not touched a sewing machine for over two decades. But when I looked at it, and saw the look on my moms face when she put it on, my soul did a little dance.
I feel that most people are creative whether you think so or not. Have you gotten your hands on something and used your skills to fashion your vision? It is truly amazing when you do and my brother in law did that this weekend. What is awesome is that he created something using his knowledge and foresight, understanding and well put together a pretty awesome little RC car for a little girl with handicaps. Why is this important?
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Because when you take that leap of faith in yourself, and put your foot out there in that nether world of no real worn pathways, living suddenly becomes the most amazing thing. It is a high, a literal high of energy, passion, creative flow, joy and happiness even when your beat from zero sleep! How is that for living and loving life, nourishing your inner self and replenishing the well that all of us hold in our souls.
Put your hands to something... it really will make a huge difference in your life!
Thanks for sharing sis!! It was amazing to watch him create what he is passionate about!! :)