Friday, May 31, 2013

Statistics and Give-aways?

I am not a normal networker, as I figure that if you like my stuff all is right with the world. For me people are beings, not numbers to up my views, put cash in my pocket or a possible sell. That just bugs me, it bugs me a lot because many times I have had people Pitch me and walk away without taking into consideration that I am a person too.

Why does our modern world put people into categories? Why are we so concerned about the statistics that will "quote" make or break your business? I took statistics people. I took that horrible class in school and trust me it was not fun. But I passed with a B+, which blew me away because a math person I am not. What I did learn is this. It is a way to lump people into categories in order to understand what people are doing. That's all. It is a way to manage people, their behaviors and then be able to predict what they will do next.

I have always fallen out of the Mid-line. I am some where on either end of the curve if you will and I rather enjoy being out there. You could say I am a rebel at heart, talk to my parents I am sure they will agree. But there really isn't anything bad about being the rebel. But there is such a a thing called balance.

So how do I as a small, and I mean very small business owner create abundance and flow?

Easy. I love what I do and when I see something online that I love, I support it. Simple. I do not have to stress over how many views I have on my blog. Or how many people commented, or what FB or Twitter statistics are telling me. Why? Its so not fun. It reminds of that statistics class I took and really people I have no desire to remember that.

So when your fretting about people buying your stuff, remember why you are doing this in the first place! Is this your true love? Are you having fun and appreciating all the people who are perusing your blog or web site? Are you willing to fall in love all over again with people vs. the numbers one click on their keyboard? If so then you my friend are in the right place and loving life.

Life on this planet is precious and short. I would much rather enjoy spending time with the people I love and chatting up total strangers because I like their dog or it felt right to smile and say hi. We do not know the impact we have on others peoples lives and worrying about the numbers will blind you to the small    intricate and startling details that this planet has to offer.

So get off your computer and enjoy the weather, hug your kids, kiss your partner or spouse. Dance in the rain and yell at the top of your lungs to your neighbors how much you like them. Think I am crazy, well your right. I am crazy about this life and living. I am madly in love with me and my blessed life. I adore sewing and creating on my terms and statistics and numbers, well they have a place but they most certainly are not in the front seat of my life.

So on that note, a great gal who has some amazing things on her blog is doing a great give away! So because its fun and I really dig her style here is the link. Go check her out if you dare, you just might fall in love all over again!

Monday, May 27, 2013

Only What I Want to Do!

So today is Monday and I woke up feeling very stressed. This week was shaping up to be a hectic and rushed week. Why? Well I took on the challenge of the Summer of No Pants, 2013 where you sew four skirts or dresses in four weeks. Then you wear them all summer long and enjoy the freedom of yes, no pants! Awesome possum and I was and am all for it. Then my sister called me and said, well I refuse to buy clothing anymore that does not fit and I do not feel absolutely fab in, so please make me some clothes. And she is paying me...


Ok so I had my four projects all set up and ready to go, along with the scrub skirts I have been putting together for my mother-in-law as well as her other ideas for clothing. I have been busy but been able to keep things to a dull roar! I was super excited to get started today as this is the first day of our wonderful challenge. Did I mention that the possibility of winning a totally sweet sewing machine was included? Well talk about pressure and well I wanted to bolt.


BOLT. Run as far as possible away from sewing and everything included in that same genre. I even shed a few tears as the lovely guilt word started stomping across my brain. Something along the lines of, "well you started something you have to finish it." Or you are supposed to be finishing up the projects for your mother in law, oh and how about the skirt you promised your mother and oh yes by the way your younger sisters friend decided that she has to have two dresses for the wedding, NOT ONE!

Talk about going insane. And so I grabbed my phone and took some time out for some serious meditation. Trust me, I needed it.

So here it is in a nut shell. We seriously do not have to do anything, because it really depends on what I Want to do. If I do not feel like tackling that long laundry list and instead I want to take a few moments, hours or days to do something fun and easy, than it really is ok. You know why? Because if I were to force myself to do what I just listed above, it would be hell. Most certainly my machine would decide it did not like me, or I would make way too many mistakes and the one project would drag on into more than a few hours and seriously that is not fun in my book. I would rather love what I am doing and choose to play with material and my sewing machine, which translates into a lot more accomplished in a shorter amount of time. Yes sounds wild and crazy and maybe a little whoo whoo but it works.


Taking my break. Enjoying the day with my family. Getting brainy ideas for patterns and fabric for my sisters dresses. Found a really awesome picture to help them understand what kinds of measurements that I need, and so easy it was almost scary! So I may go over and sew for a few hours today and I may not. It all depends on What I Want To Do...

Saturday, May 25, 2013

The Allegory of a rock and a tree.

What in the world does this have to do with sewing and clothing? Everything actually so stick around you might just be inspired to be you today!

Once upon a time in a river valley not to long ago a creek full of life burbled, swirled and sang its way across rocks, over fallen logs. It was a beautiful stream and it was very happy just singing along, minding its own business.
In this river valley were young plants and bushes that provided shelter for the little animals that would come down for a drink. It was a beautiful place and everything living thing there loved being in that beautiful valley.

Surrounding the valley were some really amazingly tall trees, that had surveyed their valley for hundreds if not thousands of years. Every day they would stretch their branches up to the light and dance in the breezes as the wind came for a visit almost every day. They would shed their cones and seeds and wait with wonder and joy as each seed took root and grew into small but beautiful trees.

These small trees of course were growing closer to the river that gurgled and danced its way into the horizon. The soil seemed to have more rocks but the trees did not mind as they would bury their roots deeper in search of that dark, dank and fertile soil. They grew tall and round and animals would use them to scratch their backs, or perch in their branches as they hunted or hid for protection. They were amazing trees and their elders were so proud of them. They would wake every morning and stretch their limbs to the sun, they would play with the wind and sing their songs. The whole valley would fill with the chorus of the trees and the the animals would stop and listen. The humans who walked in moccasin feet felt at ease when the great trees sang, for it brought abundance and bounty to all who lived there.

The trees would sometimes be called upon to provide shelter for the humans in buckskin clothing. And with every swing of the ax, the human sang their songs, expressing their intentions and gratitude for the gift that the tree had provided. The young trees at times would await eagerly to be chosen as a teepee or hut as their gifts of life and light would bring more joy and protection from the harshness of winter or the heat of summer. It was a peaceful and beautiful valley and as the older trees slowly aged in wisdom they would bestow their knowledge to the younger trees in the valley.

Then one day everything changed. No one knows for sure how long it took but over time humans with big machines, axes, saw blades and other instruments tore the river and the surrounding area to bits. They were fevered with the search for gold and with their immense boxes and hoses that squirted tons of water they ripped, dug, shred and threw huge boulders around, burying the smaller trees with rubble. The trees who were not so lucky were burned, hewn or knocked over to provide for the miners camps during the bitter cold of winter. And as piles and upon piles of large and immense rocks began to fill the valley, everything wept. The elder trees became silent as they watched in horror at the destruction of their beautiful valley, their offspring, the humans in buckskins which no longer sang to them. The animals run for higher ground, seeking sanctuary in the dense forests further up the mountains. Birds no longer sang their songs of love and joy and instead sought shelter in safer areas.

The trees that did survive the mayhem were buried knee deep in huge boulders and rocks. And one day the gold ran out and the miners who had not starved or been killed slowly left the valley. Everything sighed with relief and a new hope that things would change back to the way it used to be. And so the elder trees began to sing and lift their branches to the sunlight. They glowed and shimmered in the evening setting sun and waited to hear the reply from the offspring and grand offspring located in the valley. But all they heard was rage. Rage and anger, frustration and moaning, crying from within the depths of their souls. They cursed the elder trees, screamed that they would no longer sing their songs, as they did not have their roots buried knee deep in boulders. They still had soil and water for their roots. How dare they sing of the beauty of light and abundance and happiness.

Slowly the valley began to recover, although the scars still cover the ground. The trees of the valley soon began to sing another song. A song of loss and war, pain and sorrow and a fear that one day the miners would come back and destroy everything.

They began to teach their offspring when their seeds fell that it would be safer to be a rock than a tree. To be a tree required that your life was forfeit if humans ever set foot upon the ground again. They in fact would push the rocks around the roots of their young trees to hinder their growth, to keep them from being the beautiful and majestic trees that they were. And slowly but with precision all the offspring trees could not sing. They did not hear the songs of the elder trees, even though the elders never stopped singing. And they began to believe that they too were rocks. If the winds blew too hard, they would snap and crash to the ground. If the river flooded because the natural way of the river had been ruined, they would loose their footing and fall into the water only to be swept away.  And the stories began that to be close to water was death, and to not be a rock was death and to grow too tall was a death sentence.

And so as time passed, the river changed its course, the elder trees rotted and fell to the ground to be replaced by younger trees. Animals came, had their young and moved on, and humans continued to pervade the space. Loggers came and ripped them down, selling their carcass for money. Until one day a few humans who knew the value of the trees began to protest and protect them. They created parks and sanctuaries for the trees and wild life. But still the trees along that river corridor have no memory of what it means to be a tree.

Who do you choose to be?

Are you going to wear clothing that feels amazing, makes you feel alive and whole? Or are you going to conform to the chaotic stories that we are still being told? That if you wear color in your corporate job you are using your feminine wiles not your mind. Are you choosing to follow fashion in the hopes that you will find love and acceptance by your peers? To stand out in our dressing means attention and attention has always meant you were a whore, a narcissist, a bitch or other choice words.  Are you willing to stand up and be that amazing, stunning and beautiful person? I certainly hope so because we as beautiful women need to remember the songs of our elder self, the all knowing and wise self. When we can remember that song, we can then lift our branches up to the light and and sing of the glories of our lives. Even if you are being told that you are wrong by those whom you love and you care about. Don't be afraid to be that person, it is truly worth everything.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Obsessing over body size is not much fun...

Twenty years ago the average fashion model weighed 8% less than the average woman. Today, she weighs 23% less. Ten years ago plus-size models averaged between size 12 and 18. Today the need for size diversity within the plus-size modeling industry continues to be questioned. The majority of plus-size models on agency boards are between a size 6 and 14, while the customers continue to express their dissatisfaction. Most runway models meet the Body Mass Index physical criteria for Anorexia. 50% of women wear a size 14 or larger, but most standard clothing outlets cater to sizes 14 or smaller. 
Today I watched a couple of the runway shows for the 2013 bridal collection. Granted the gowns were beautiful and amazing to look at, and for an amateur designer I get all twittered over stuff like that. Because you see I am studying the gown itself, how it moves, the drape of the material, where they changed the typical shape etc Also the type of material that they could have used to create those floating cake creations.
But lets get real here for a moment. Have a women to woman chat if you will about couture and fashion and "real" people.

You see I have this interesting point of view. I always do, but besides the point it is this. For a very long time human beings have done all kinds of interesting things to fit into clothing and the latest fashion fads of the time. During the Victorian age, women wore any where from 5-8 petty coats all made from heavy material over a corset that restricted their abilities to breathe, move or keep their insides from being cut into half, all so they could have the "perfect" 20 inch waist . Granted the clothing was beautiful, the craftmanship, design, material and all the beautiful stuff they put on top of the dress to make it more stunning.  Then we moved into a more modern/industrial age and Coco Channel came onto the scene designing clothing for women to be more active and enjoy life.

But now, America faces a looming obesity issue and people are wondering why. Of course they have statistics and numbers, the effects of economic status, our living conditions, stress and the list goes on and on. But what if for a moment it was a knee jerk reaction to the demands of our fashion industry now? What if on an emotional level a lot of people looked at the skeletons walking down the runways and said, well heck why would I want to look like that?  Why would I starve, smoke ciggies for 24 hours straight, stick my fingers down my throat, or refuse to eat anything other than a few bits of lettuce and lots of green drinks when I can just enjoy life? I will find something to wear, I don't have to look like a fashion model or wear that kind of stuff and so twiggy who started this whole starvation thing is now contending with some of the most beautiful, full figured models.

Look at Marilyn Monroe, as well as other curvy women during the late 40's early 50's along with pinup girls painted on planes. For what ever reason America had for a while a much healthier point of view in regards to our bodies and seemed for the most part to enjoy life a lot more. So because our world operates the majority of the time on balance the pendulum has swung the opposite way it seems. We had for a long time the stick thin look, and now we have people who are battling the battle of the bulge if you will and we hate ourselves even more.

So here is an interesting dichotomy which makes me really question this whole weight issue. When I was in my teens and early twenties I was very thin and very active. I ran several miles a day, worked out every day, ate very healthy, worked at a physical job too. And I still thought I was fat. I look back at the pictures that I have of myself and wonder, what in the heck was I thinking? But I was obsessed with my thighs and butt, my waist and whether or not I could fit my Polynesian bone structure into a medium size blouse.That was all I cared about, and that was all I thought about.

Now I am twice the size I was during that time and I am finding that obsessing over my thighs and butt, or whether or not my triceps jiggle when I walk is not as important as enjoying what I am doing. Even running several miles a day does not appeal because running in the mornings just seems like so much work and not much fun. Instead I desire to work in a garden, go up and shovel rocks for gold panning, take nice long walks and enjoy the scenery and be happy!

So many times I have walked on the green belt and watched as people ran, walked or biked by and they look like death is about to befall them. Oh yes they are in shape, they have beautiful bodies, great physics and so on, but where is the joy? What happened to the smile and happiness radiating from their beautiful faces? Are they too obsessing over the latest lb they gained over the weekend or trying to burn off that splurge of ice cream they enjoyed at midnight? When did living become such a drudge and enjoying moments a guilt trip?

Personally I would rather walk through my life in peace and joy and happiness. I am choosing to see myself as a beautiful person regardless of the size tag in my clothing. Because I have a suspicion in the depths of my soul. That when I am happy and enjoying life, allowing myself to be me and pay attention to the abundance and brilliance of this life, with ease my body will slowly shed what I put on because of my fear. That as I eat ice cream for breakfast on awesome french toast and drizzled with honey, and savoir the flavors and wonder of the moment, my body will tell me when it has had enough. I suspect that I will not have to force my amazing body into anything, beat it into submission as though it were some horrible slave. Instead I can skip down the sidewalk and sniff the flowers. I can revel in the gorgeous day and do my work with glee and happiness in my heart. And one day I will wake up and notice that my clothing is loose, that the dress I wanted to wear now fits beautifully.

So skinny does not work for me. Working my ass off in the gym and feeling guilty about enjoying food does not work for me. Living in peace and love and joy does work for me. Listening to my body does work for me. Allowing my body to find its perfect balance most certainly works for me. And you know what in a few years I will participate in that Triathlon because it sure as heck sounds like fun!  Having fun and playing works for me and for those of you who have the perfect body, lighten up a bit and smile when you trot down the greenbelt! You will feel a whole lot better, trust me it works!

Stunningly Alive
The model on the left looks a lot happier to me! 

Humm I prefer the outfit and the gal on the right!

As you can see by just a few examples that I found, our points of view can become extremely distorted by what we see online, TV, media, magazines because you know deep down it really is about selling clothes.
From an artistic designer point of view, creating art on a cylinder is a lot easier then on a cylinder with curves. Curves take more fabric, a lot more attention to detail in order for the cloth to drape right. Curves require longer sewing hours which all adds up to More Money Spent creating clothes for Normal people. As ready wear clothing is becoming more cheap and manufacturers are looking for the cheapest and quickest way to produce clothing, the size goes down as well as the quality.

So that honest talk I was mentioning earlier in this post? Well here it is: The Fashion Industry for the majority of Ready-Wear Fashion  is basically forcing Americans to conform to their perspective on what is fashionable vs what works and feels right to you because of Money. Yep their money, not yours.

Personally I have no desire to be told by some huge corporation that I should wear this size, I should wear that type of clothing, and that I will not be loved or appreciated by others if I do not conform. Personally that is the same as if you do not believe in God you will go to hell and suffer everlasting death. Really?  I think not, at least not for me.

So there you have it. Life is really supposed to be fun and exciting and full of grand adventure! Did you notice I did not mention a certain size clothing? Just checking and hoping that you too will find your joy and peace as well as your own inner strength and passion for living within your heart! 

Monday, May 20, 2013

A magical makeover for a Mans Western Style Shirt

Original Idea

Note, not all great ideas actually work! I figured that our real quick after laying the pattern pieces onto the shirt itself.  So creative genius that I am, I decided to make my own based on what I saw but actually utilizing the shirt itself. After an hour of studying it, using masking tape to get an idea of how I could create my amazing and fabulous idea I took the scissors to it.  

Drum Roll Please

Ladies and Gentleman, behold an adorable, very girly jacket! 

As you can see I dressed the back up too....who said the back had to be boring?

Added a few fun and different pocket details just to spruce it up a bit! 

Close up of my amazing humming bird Applique with ivory lace. 

Dressed up the sleeves as well with the same lace that is on the pocket and the back! Got to tie things together you know! 

Yes there are still strings...after 5 hours of sewing I figured I could trim strings tomorrow! See now you can't complain, silly people!

Now I love using interesting things for closures, so I found an old gold leaf pin. Snaps are underneath and this vintage pin is the decor! How is that for unique and different? I think it is pretty Awe-mazing and no you won't find anything else like it!

The flower print fabric is the lining for the shirt as well. Yes I lined it, and by accident I got the awesome border for the front as well. I love it when that happens. Accidents can be pretty nifty at times! All the seams on the inside are finished with beautiful ribbon, shhh its hemming ribbon but it works wonders. There are no raw or unfinished seams in this creation which I feel makes something really nice and it looks amazing.

So there you have it. My magical transformation of a used western denim shirt. Not bad if I say so myself!

Friday, May 17, 2013

Clues for finding the perfect wedding gown for Beautiful Curvy Women

 I did a secret shop today at one of the local bridal shops here in Boise. Mind you there are not many considering the population here could support a few more good quality stores. But I figured that I would start at a shop that was privately owned vs a franchise store.

Here are a few things that I learned on this trip and a few tips to help Curvy brides to find affordable and quality gowns.

What I did notice right away was the shop did carry a fairly decent selection of dresses in the the size range of 16-24. That was a plus especially as most women tend to range in the size 12-18. But for the bodacious gals with round and full curves it was nice to see a decent selection.

Now mind you I have large shoulders and decent hips with a smaller waist. So the blessed hourglass but I am only 5'6 in bare feet. So most dresses would have to be hemmed for me, or a lot of crinoline under it.

But here are a few tips that as a seamstress/designer you should look out for when purchasing a gown.

Tip 1: Support is Key!  A plus size gown should offer more support. That could include stronger/stiffer bones that hold you in and offer support especially if your bust ranges in the C cup and up! This was noticeable in several of the dresses I tried on. The boning was either plastic or featherweight and bowed or buckled around my bust. You do not wish to either fall out of your gown or have the dress collapse and sag around your sides. If you are blessed with great cleavage I would suggest a gown that has more bones in the top. Here is an example of a top that would fully support, uplift and show off your great curves.
More Seams equals more bones/support
Also make sure the the bone pieces are capped, meaning they have fabric that surrounds the bone itself and it covers the very sharp ends. I tried on a dress that the bones were starting to come through the lining and they were very uncomfortable and would not look good at all.

Tip 2: Closures - Zippers, corset lacing, and buttons

If the dress you love has a zipper it is important that it works! The last thing you want on your amazing wedding day is for your zipper to catch, not go up at all or get stuck with you in it. Talk about frustrating and a good cause for a panic attack! I tried on a gown that had a zipper, but it was too short. Be sure that your zipper goes all the way down your back and some what over your butt. Yes the longer the better for several reasons. One it is easier to get into the dress with a longer zipper, and two longer means more quality work was involved. I personally prefer hidden zippers and here is why.

Hidden Zipper

A hidden zipper or what can be also called an invisible zipper looks like this. You see this closure style has a certain job, one it can do very well if the gown is quality made. It will pull the fabric together leaving a very small line down the middle of your back. This way you can also have buttons as a decoration added to the back such as this example shows.

 Invisible Zipper with fabric buttons as added accent..
This looks very nice and has a beautiful look! Always looks amazing in pictures as well vs. just a bare zipper. If you range in the middle plus range this would look fabulous. If you want this look and your in the really bodacious/curvy arena be sure that your dress has a very good under support system as a zipper that gets pulled may not always want to work properly. I learned that today, and it was rather funny trying to get the zipper undone, I almost go stuck in the dress so beware!

I loved the gown that I tried today that had a complete corset closure. So you literally laced it up and tied the laces. Granted it took a while for the hubby to lace up it, as this store did not have sales people to help with that process. I really appreciated the fit as it did seem to lend more support and you could fit it to you vs you trying to fit to the dress.

Full Lace Up Back

The fun part of this was patiently waiting for the dress to get laced up and then figuring out how tight to tie it. I think that is a personal preference but the fact that it was adjustable was nice. The back panel that covers up the bare skin needs to be a correct size, otherwise it could slip aside and show skin. As a plus size gal that was not terribly appealing so be sure that  you do have sufficient coverage. Otherwise if your into this type of closure it does look very good and it adds an old world charm.

Another type of closure is half lace up half zipper, which looks really nice too. I guess it depends on how much work you want to go through to get into and out of your dress.

Lace up with hidden zipper 
This looks gorgeous and I really do like it. I was not able to try on a dress with this type of back closure but I love how it really pulls things in, especially over the waist. This would work for a plus size gal especially if it was custom fit for fuller curves. It would really pull things in, lending a smoother and longer shape especially if you are wanting your waist to appear smaller.

Before Zippers dresses were closed with tiny buttons. Most gowns now have a zipper and then buttons sewn over the top flap, or along side the zipper. I personally would not want to stand for half an hour while someone buttoned up my dress. So if you want those beautiful buttons, I would suggest going with the invisible zipper and have them added. You will be more confident that your dress will stay together and you wont have to fuss that millions of tiny buttons to close up your dress.

Tip 3: What is your shape? 

Fun Plus Size Shapes
Body shape really plays a huge part in how your wedding dress will look on you! As I mentioned before I am an hourglass shape and most fashion people have said this is the easiest shape to dress. Well I have to disagree because most of plus size clothing is made for either Apples, Pears or Rectangles. Meaning all tops are made to hide the middle not accent it. So since I have shoulders and hips I seriously look like a football player and that can be very frustrating. 

So for me I found today that A-line or princess cut gowns looked the best on me. I really helped balance me out and that for me as a designer is key. You really do want to look balanced and in proportion as well as feel amazing and beautiful in your dress.

If your a Beautiful Apple shape you are going to want to giver yourself fullness on the lower half, and if you have great looking legs be sure to show those off. An uneven hem, for a hint of leg, a dress with a corset under it to give more of a waist, or more decor, or embellishments on the bottom of the gown while keeping the top simple works. Also rouching of material at an angle which draws the eyes away from the middle works as well. Basically you want to show off your best assets if you will so a neckline with gorgeous cleavage,  a longer neck or great shoulders.

Pears have great hips but tend to be smaller in the shoulders. With this shape you want to create the illusion of shoulders which would give the impression balance. A gown with some fullness in the sleeves or top, with less fullness in the bottom will help balance your look.

Rectangles tend to bemoan their lack of curves. But those of us with curves wish we had the their shape! A Rectangle usually has amazing legs, great arms and longer necks. So the fun with a dress can be in several areas. Sheath dresses look amazing especially if the embellishments are more around the waist area, with a slight floating in the skirt. Pretty necklines to enhance shoulders, which works really well with slightly off the shoulder type tops.

Basicly you want a dress that fits you very well, supports your lusciousness, shows off what you desire to show and most importantly of all fall in love with how you feel in the dress. If if does not cause tears to flow or an emotional response of some sort, then keep looking until you do.

Pay attention to the small details, as some sales people will try to get you to ignore them, especially if you are on a tight budget. If you do not feel comfortable with the personnel in the store then go some where else. Wedding gown shopping should be fun, and you should feel safe and comfortable the whole time.

If you are treated with disrespect or ignored because you are not a size 2, then they do not deserve your business. You can always find another shop and more then likely your dream dress.

Do not settle for the half done job, or the cheap workmanship. A quality dress will cost you more money but it will last a lot longer and not fall apart while you are dancing on your special day. And last but not least, be sure to find quality under-pinning whether that be a full corset or bustier. Spending the money for your special day because it feels amazing to wear that dress and you cannot see yourself without it is key. The money should not be the deciding factor for that perfect dress. Because you can find that amazing gown if your willing to take the time to look and shop around.


Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Summer of No Pants, 2013 Projects

In less than 2 weeks those of us who are crazy about sewing and creating will be plastered to our sewing machines for four weeks solid. Which will either be a complete blast, and I am voting for the first option or a marathon up hill for 27 plus miles. I certainly hope that most of us will find the thrill of crazy sewing a way to get the juices flowing!

So today I laid out four project ideas and took pics of them so that I have a record of what I said I would do. See I can hold myself accountable, winks. It also helps me to keep a visual record of my ideas so that on the day the contest starts I am not running around frantically trying to find the pieces, or worse yet not remembering what I was going to put together in the first place!


 A skirt for my mother- a belated mothers day/birthday gift. I love how the day comes and goes and your still staring at the pattern and material. I am grateful that my mother is patient with me! 

Mothers Day Skirt

Project Number 2 : 

 I had this brilliant idea to take a gentle pair of used jeans, pair it with a bed skirt ruffle, and build a petty-coat under it for a fun and flirty summer skirt. We shall see how it turns out! 

I love sticky notes! The perfect way to organize! 

Project Number 3:

Ok so this one I am using a pattern but the material is from a gently used king size sheet. Yep, its nice and soft too, so it should float very nicely when twirling under the stars! 


King size Sheet and pretty skirt! Love creating something new from something used! 

Project Number 4: 

Last but not least this project is dedicated to my beautiful friend who survived breast cancer. I am so excited to be making her something that she can dance and explore life in, while she is on her way to a fully recovered life! I found this material at Walmart of all places, but it is light and breathes and has a color that she prefers! I am shaking her a bit out of her comfort zone, smiles by the pattern and color mix! I am sure she will love it, if not she is in trouble, Just kidding! Anyway because we live in Idaho and this summer is setting up to be a scorcher, I am lining it with muslin so that she does not feel that she is dying of a heat stroke!

Flowing and free for Mary

So there you have it...the next month of sewing projects. It will be fun to see how things turn out, how they look etc.

So over all I am happy with my choices and excited to start sewing! 

Breast Cancer - Does not make you less of a woman!

I have a beautiful friend who has survived breast cancer! She is not only surviving but learning to live after several months of radiation and chemotherapy. My mother is a breast cancer survivor and she has been cancer free now for over 5 years. What a blessing to have both of these beautiful women in my life. I am so blessed to be a part of their journey through some really hard and tough times.

Now what does this have to do with sewing and clothing? I know I ask this question a lot but here it is. It dawned on me that when a women looses a breast, that most, dresses and swim suits will not fit right even with a prosthetic. Now granted there are some companies out there that make swimsuits and night gowns but in my opinion they were dull and not very cute or attractive.

So I asked myself this question. If I had just come through serious cancer treatment protocols, had lost a breast in the process would I want to wear something like that? Would that give me the sense that I was able to live and express life as I now saw it? Would those muted colors and styles really allow me to shine as a BEAUTIFUL Woman? Not a survivor or a half person, but a Woman?

For me the answer was no!

How many young women are now having mastectomy's either because they had cancer or because they are afraid they will get cancer? What about young women who desire to wear a strapless or halter style dress/gown to a friends wedding but can't because they must wear a bra in order to wear their prosthetic?  What about swimming in a cute suit, but they are afraid too because it does not hold or support them while in the water?

So because I am a passionate person about using my skills and talents for the benefits of others I am taking matters into my own hands. I do not feel that just because you are Sans breast, that you should hide in clothing or behind dark and muted colors. I feel that you have every god given right to shine! You who are still with us and living even with your scars, You have every right to dance at a wedding or party, swim in the ocean, lake or pool in brilliant colors because you can! You faced death and you beat it and the right to dress with life and living, love and passion for others, your self and this amazing planet that we live on, needs to be expressed in your clothing!

So my promise for the those of you who have won the battle of breast cancer and have lost one or both or your beautiful breasts. I declare with all my heart and soul, that if you desire a swimming suit or beautiful dress or gown to shine in, please let me know! I devote my heart and soul to creating something for you personally to wear that everyone will stare in awe as you walk into the room. I promise that it will be made with love, quality material and your comfort in mind. You will never be embarrassed or humiliated when you work with me as I am a lover of all beautiful beings. I promise that you will be the star of your show, the belle at the ball and the swim queen at the next pool party! No one will know that you have been a victim of cancer, what they will know is that you LOVE LIVING!

Please share this with all your women friends and those who you know are either in the process of cancer treatment or are alive and living life with vim and vigor!Spread the word as every women deserves to look and feel beautiful!

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Jeans and a New Lease On Life

Summer of No Pants, 2013 project 2 is finished.

I am so happy that this skirt turned out really well. If I have not mentioned it before, I took a pair of Gloria Vanderbilt Jeans and turned them into a really cute pheasant skirt. So here are the pictures of the finished project.

Jean Pheasant skirt 

 So added an eyelet lace trim to the bottom of the second tier to break up the color a bit. And then the last tier is half the size of the upper two, and I added another 5 inches of Red Tulle.

My mother in law is tall and she prefers longer skirts and dresses. But because she has issues with balance and walking I did not want her to trip in this skirt. So to solve the issue of length and give her that sense of length I added another tier of 5 inch wide tulle.

Tulle adds the illusion of length, allowing my mother in law to walk without the worry of tripping. 

I love being able to customize clothes for people and what they truly need. As we all know ready wear clothing is very limited in its capacity to work for people who have physical concerns, etc. Yet why should you sacrifice what you love and desire, modesty and a self worth because you cannot find clothing?

I find it ludicrous that the large percentage of people have to sacrifice money, beauty, self worth, comfort and
quality of life for clothing. It does not make sense especially when it is not neccesary.

Using the excuse that you cannot afford it, or stuffing yourself into something because its the next big thing is only going to limit your abilities to find something that makes you feel amazing. Yes you may pay more for the quality ready wear clothing, but I would rather pay more for a shirt, skirt or dress that I feel amazing in, love wearing and will wear, then something that feels horrible.

Being able to move past the "cost" into what feels really amazing will most certainly change your world and perspective. Quality, beauty, durability, and long lasting are how I feel the savvy clothing shopper makes a difference in her or his world.

Relaxing in style and comfort
I am happy that my mother in law chose this fabric. It is out of her comfort zone and she admitted that this was the first bright color skirt she had ever worn. I am glad that even now after everything she has been through she is launching into being herself, enjoying being noticed and having a grand time!

Life is to short to wear ugly, boring and unflattering clothes!

Monday, May 13, 2013

Summer gowns, nightmare or dream!

Summer Heat and Formal Gowns

I have always found it interesting that a lot of women want to get married in the hottest part of the year. That usually includes heavy weight material for dresses that are lined with non-breathing material.
I know most people only wear the dress once, either for the bridesmaid outfit, because wearing it again some how for another venue would be so wrong.  But what if you there was a way to have a dress that you could wear for more then one event, it would look stylish, actually breathe so that during those blasting heat days of summer you would not be pouring sweat?

I am a woman who desires comfort and ease when it comes to dresses, and being  plus size does not help during those lovely heat waves. I also believe that when women dressed a long time ago they actually knew what they were doing and here is why.

They had summer dresses which were usually made of a nice cotton and or linen for more dress up occasions and in the winter they wore satins, wools, gaberdines etc. Hummm are we as modern women missing something here?  Heavy satins belong in the cooler seasons, yet most cheaply made formal dresses are made that way. Why would someone wear a material that weighs you down, does not breathe which is only made less breathable by lining it with cheap stuff?

So I decided that as a seamstress/designer in my own right I would find a way to solve that problem for people who think like me. Here is the reason why its important that garments can be worn again, are comfortable and enjoyable to wear.

Life is to short to wear horrid dresses!! See that was easy!

Ok on too the good stuff!

Rule number 1: If you must wear a satin type dress for your BFF's wedding, party etc. Then find one that is higher quality and has a good lining in it. If you start sweating while your trying to get it on, that is most assuredly a red flag! 

Rule number 2: If you are plus size and you are embarrassed, don;t look at the size label, go with how the dress feels. Questions to ask yourself: Do you feel sexy and womanly in this dress? Does if flow nicely and show off your assets and not your other areas you wish would suddenly disappear over night? Strut the dress if you feel awesome in it, and make those skinny girls wish they were you!

Rule number 3: If you must wear satin type or non breathable material and you do not wish to appear as a huge whale in volumes of material, find a seamstress to make you a dress that will fit your curves nicely, is more tailored and is made out of breathable material. Notice I am saying breathable a lot in this blog. If it is not apparent yet, my skin breathing is a major deal!!
Materials that are good for summer heat, drape well and look amazing on fuller figures- Light weight Linen or quality cotton.

Rule number 4: This rule should be number 1, but because we are talking about dress materials, I put it lower in the list.

* FASHION TRENDS ARE NOT ALWAYS A PLUS SIZE GALS BEST FRIEND! Especially when you do not have the money to purchase a dress for a one time event, and you have to purchase something that was made in China.

Rule Number 5: Find materials and a style that works best for you. If your BFF wants you to wear what everyone else is wearing, well that can be a challenge. But do not despair, you only have to wear it once!

So this summer I am making my sister a Maid of Honor dress that will allow her to breathe. The wedding she is a part of is in August. Yes the hottest month of the summer and so she asked for something that will show off her legs, hide her tummy and she can sweat in it and not feel as though she is drowning. Especially since the material is supposed to be black!

Handkerchief Linen
A-Line dress with black satin chiffon ruching on the side, with satin flower accent on right hip & lined with black muslin!

Dark Nigh Silk Chiffon

I am excited to get started on this dress and she will look lovely, be able to move and dance, without pouring sweat all day long!

So ladies, no matter what size you are, or how tall or short. It really is worth the time, money and effort to purchase a dress that will make you feel amazing, will meet your needs, wants and desires and best of all you FEEL AMAZING!

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Blue Jeans go Dancing...

So this project number 2 is turning out to be a lot of fun! I love working with material that seems to know what you want it to do. The fabric I chose for this skirt is doing just that and it sure easier to play with this project idea. 

Used Gloria Vanderbilt Jeans
Legs cut off.. Ouch     
Party Supplies: Pink Ribbon, White Lace Trim and multi-colored Seer Sucker Material   

I had this idea based on a few little girls skirts I saw around town. So the brilliant idea was to create a peasant skirt but use a good pair of jeans as the top part. My mother in law likes things really long, and she is rather tall, so this skirt is taking a lot of material to create the fullness and length that she is wanting. But I think this will be a lot of fun to make into several different types of skirts because the concept is the same you just change the material, length and or fullness. So you will more then likely see several of these as time progresses. 

First Tier of Peasant Skirt pinned to Jeans 

 I am adding another tier that is 10.5 inches from top to bottom of panel in order to get the 32.5 inchs in total length. I will also sew on another tier that is 5 inches with a gap between in order to add some Tulle ruffle. I left off today with the second tier with ribbon sewed on, it has been gathered and is ready to attach to the above tier. 

I am happy that I was able to accomplish a lot in about 4 hours of work time. Especially since this time I did all the laying out and figuring out the numbers for this skirt. I did not use a pattern, just my creative head, a cutting mat and lots of Luck! 

I hope to have this one done before mothers day, as well as get the skirt for my mother done as well. 

Black Jeans into something Country pretty....

So it has been a few days and boy I have been busy! Right now I am working on two projects at the same time and I am liking the results. So here are some pics of what I have been up too!

Project #1
Sketch  for Jean Skirt

My mother in law decided that she hated her jeans. I would agree, I am finding that as I get older and hopefully wiser, that jeans are a real Pain. They pinch in all the wrong places and what is more interesting then the annoyance is that I really don't care any more if I am wearing the newest style of jeans. I honestly have never enjoyed jeans for the most part. Manufacturing does not make jeans for lots of curves! I have always had a gap in the waist, tight in the thighs and too long! So she chopped them down the middle and asked me to make something out of them. So this was the first idea I had, as the jeans are black and she had some red check material which produced this! 

Jeans with added material

Now this turned out interesting. What I discovered is that if you do not cut the jeans correctly, it seriously looks like you have chaps on with a nice big Arrow pointing to the Private Regions! Unless your really into that, which is fine by the way. But she is Not into that at all so now the process to correct it has begun. 

Supplies consisted of: White sheer curtain with white flower appliques, red and blue bandana's and red patterned cotton material. 

After cutting everything out this is what I came up with. Oh I also used fabric glue as well. 
Laying out how I want things to go on the skirt! 

As you can see it looks a lot better; I played with placement and where I wanted things to go. It was sort of like pin the tail on the donkey, as the fabric pieces wanted to stay on the jean material so I just clued the Paisley shapes randomly around and then pinned the white strip from the hip pocket down across to the other side. I will be doing this to the back as well, just the white flowers will go the opposite direction. 

So where we are at this juncture is I am hand sewing the white applique onto the jean fabric using an Embroidery outline stitch around the outside of the flowers. Then I am going to trim the excess white material off and fray the edges a bit so it gives that old and used feel. 
Over all this is a massive project in the amount of hand work I am having to use. It goes to say that even the best sewing machines, and I love my sewing machine, it just can't do everything.  So here is a shout-out to my fabulous machine! Smiles
Did I say I love my machine?  Lol


Monday, May 6, 2013


I have always been a person who does not enjoy a lot of stuff. I dislike clutter, too much in my closet sends me into breathing fits and junk or other things lying around only makes things worse. My ultimate house would be a yurt with just the basics and not much closet space. I wear a lot of my clothes until they can no longer function, I suppose I took more of a male perspective in the clothing department. Which, do not get me wrong here, it works for me.

So I was slightly well more than slightly shocked when I and my husband walked into a local thrift store located in Boise and there were rows and rows and rows of racks of jeans, tops, skirts, shorts, dresses etc. It was huge and instantly I knew, I knew what I am supposed to do with my sewing.

You see I have had this inkling that so much of our America quest for things is driving everything in our lives. It is truly the ultimate task master and I have sought ways to free myself from this mindless quest to have everything quickly and right now. And now our teens due to all kinds of media, social media, smart phones, tablets and computers tell us that the newest and best pair of shorts is only 19 bucks at the nearest retail store. And so even though they have a million pairs of shorts that they just bought a week ago, they run down and buy the new pair, tweet it, Facebook it, and boom everyone now knows that they too must have a pair just like it.

My question is why? Why are we filling thrift stores and non-profits with tons of clothes that for the most part have not been worn? Why are we wasting our money, our health and emotional well being for a "fast clothing" high?

I do not know why, because for me it makes no sense. It does not work for me and I have been thinking and mulling over in my mind how I, a simple person can help make a difference in some way. Even if it is small or the media never find me in the midst of this cyber space. But here it is!

There are several parts to this dream but I desire to keep it simple! So here it goes.

Boise has a huge population of Refugees and misplaced people from Africa. We also have a lot of single  mothers trying to feed, clothe and educate their kids while working more than full time. There are women all over this state who are homeless or living in shelters because for what ever reason they could no longer fend for themselves. Most of our clothing manufacturing is done over seas at the expense of human life and decency. Another blog on that point of view, but I will try to stay on track.

You see this is my heart! Sewing is my soul and helping other women create a better life for themselves fuels my passion for living and life.

So what if, what if I take a small pile of those used clothes and create something fun and interesting, up-cycle if you want to be politaclly correct. But take those clothes that are no longer being used, utilize my sewing skills, designer instincts and make something fun and usable again.

Now, what if I take the knowledge and begin to teach the women here in this valley how to sew, start helping them utilize their talents, artistic skills, designer instincts and they begin to create new wardrobes for themselves and to suplement their income.

Are you with me still? I hope so because this is so important to me.

Now what if I took these women and opened up a beautiful, clean, safe and family friendly/supportive sewing/manufacturing company locally? What if I provided job training, financial support, small micro loans to women who eventually desired to get out on their own and do their own thing? What if this manufacturing company was able to pay these women what they are really worth, all the while utilizing piles of clothing that we as American throw away, and supply shops and our own stores around the world? What if for a moment women could breathe knowing that their talents, skills and dreams could send their son or daughter to college, or able to retire when they get older?

YES I have a dream! And it is starting in a small room with my sewing machine and a few piles of used clothes. Because I believe that if enough women were to dream this big we can change the world, and I am starting with me!

Friday, May 3, 2013

Welcome to my really awesome and nifty sewing space! As a creative type who finds pushing material through a sewing machine rather cathartic I figured my title would really fit with well who I am. So I am excited to be starting this new blog as I embark on the adventure of sewing and creating clothing from anything and everything into beautiful, fun, sex, fabulous and flirty attire.

Keep checking in as I will be adding pictures of my projects as I have entered the challenge Summer of No Pants 2013! Check them out when you get a chance its pretty sweet!

I also desire to include tricks and tips for keeping the creative inspiration going along with before and after photos of the stuff I am creating and sewing up.

So thank you for stopping by and I look forward to sharing more!