Thursday, May 9, 2013

Black Jeans into something Country pretty....

So it has been a few days and boy I have been busy! Right now I am working on two projects at the same time and I am liking the results. So here are some pics of what I have been up too!

Project #1
Sketch  for Jean Skirt

My mother in law decided that she hated her jeans. I would agree, I am finding that as I get older and hopefully wiser, that jeans are a real Pain. They pinch in all the wrong places and what is more interesting then the annoyance is that I really don't care any more if I am wearing the newest style of jeans. I honestly have never enjoyed jeans for the most part. Manufacturing does not make jeans for lots of curves! I have always had a gap in the waist, tight in the thighs and too long! So she chopped them down the middle and asked me to make something out of them. So this was the first idea I had, as the jeans are black and she had some red check material which produced this! 

Jeans with added material

Now this turned out interesting. What I discovered is that if you do not cut the jeans correctly, it seriously looks like you have chaps on with a nice big Arrow pointing to the Private Regions! Unless your really into that, which is fine by the way. But she is Not into that at all so now the process to correct it has begun. 

Supplies consisted of: White sheer curtain with white flower appliques, red and blue bandana's and red patterned cotton material. 

After cutting everything out this is what I came up with. Oh I also used fabric glue as well. 
Laying out how I want things to go on the skirt! 

As you can see it looks a lot better; I played with placement and where I wanted things to go. It was sort of like pin the tail on the donkey, as the fabric pieces wanted to stay on the jean material so I just clued the Paisley shapes randomly around and then pinned the white strip from the hip pocket down across to the other side. I will be doing this to the back as well, just the white flowers will go the opposite direction. 

So where we are at this juncture is I am hand sewing the white applique onto the jean fabric using an Embroidery outline stitch around the outside of the flowers. Then I am going to trim the excess white material off and fray the edges a bit so it gives that old and used feel. 
Over all this is a massive project in the amount of hand work I am having to use. It goes to say that even the best sewing machines, and I love my sewing machine, it just can't do everything.  So here is a shout-out to my fabulous machine! Smiles
Did I say I love my machine?  Lol


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