But lets get real here for a moment. Have a women to woman chat if you will about couture and fashion and "real" people.
You see I have this interesting point of view. I always do, but besides the point it is this. For a very long time human beings have done all kinds of interesting things to fit into clothing and the latest fashion fads of the time. During the Victorian age, women wore any where from 5-8 petty coats all made from heavy material over a corset that restricted their abilities to breathe, move or keep their insides from being cut into half, all so they could have the "perfect" 20 inch waist . Granted the clothing was beautiful, the craftmanship, design, material and all the beautiful stuff they put on top of the dress to make it more stunning. Then we moved into a more modern/industrial age and Coco Channel came onto the scene designing clothing for women to be more active and enjoy life.
But now, America faces a looming obesity issue and people are wondering why. Of course they have statistics and numbers, the effects of economic status, our living conditions, stress and the list goes on and on. But what if for a moment it was a knee jerk reaction to the demands of our fashion industry now? What if on an emotional level a lot of people looked at the skeletons walking down the runways and said, well heck why would I want to look like that? Why would I starve, smoke ciggies for 24 hours straight, stick my fingers down my throat, or refuse to eat anything other than a few bits of lettuce and lots of green drinks when I can just enjoy life? I will find something to wear, I don't have to look like a fashion model or wear that kind of stuff and so twiggy who started this whole starvation thing is now contending with some of the most beautiful, full figured models.
Look at Marilyn Monroe, as well as other curvy women during the late 40's early 50's along with pinup girls painted on planes. For what ever reason America had for a while a much healthier point of view in regards to our bodies and seemed for the most part to enjoy life a lot more. So because our world operates the majority of the time on balance the pendulum has swung the opposite way it seems. We had for a long time the stick thin look, and now we have people who are battling the battle of the bulge if you will and we hate ourselves even more.
So here is an interesting dichotomy which makes me really question this whole weight issue. When I was in my teens and early twenties I was very thin and very active. I ran several miles a day, worked out every day, ate very healthy, worked at a physical job too. And I still thought I was fat. I look back at the pictures that I have of myself and wonder, what in the heck was I thinking? But I was obsessed with my thighs and butt, my waist and whether or not I could fit my Polynesian bone structure into a medium size blouse.That was all I cared about, and that was all I thought about.
Now I am twice the size I was during that time and I am finding that obsessing over my thighs and butt, or whether or not my triceps jiggle when I walk is not as important as enjoying what I am doing. Even running several miles a day does not appeal because running in the mornings just seems like so much work and not much fun. Instead I desire to work in a garden, go up and shovel rocks for gold panning, take nice long walks and enjoy the scenery and be happy!
So many times I have walked on the green belt and watched as people ran, walked or biked by and they look like death is about to befall them. Oh yes they are in shape, they have beautiful bodies, great physics and so on, but where is the joy? What happened to the smile and happiness radiating from their beautiful faces? Are they too obsessing over the latest lb they gained over the weekend or trying to burn off that splurge of ice cream they enjoyed at midnight? When did living become such a drudge and enjoying moments a guilt trip?
Personally I would rather walk through my life in peace and joy and happiness. I am choosing to see myself as a beautiful person regardless of the size tag in my clothing. Because I have a suspicion in the depths of my soul. That when I am happy and enjoying life, allowing myself to be me and pay attention to the abundance and brilliance of this life, with ease my body will slowly shed what I put on because of my fear. That as I eat ice cream for breakfast on awesome french toast and drizzled with honey, and savoir the flavors and wonder of the moment, my body will tell me when it has had enough. I suspect that I will not have to force my amazing body into anything, beat it into submission as though it were some horrible slave. Instead I can skip down the sidewalk and sniff the flowers. I can revel in the gorgeous day and do my work with glee and happiness in my heart. And one day I will wake up and notice that my clothing is loose, that the dress I wanted to wear now fits beautifully.
So skinny does not work for me. Working my ass off in the gym and feeling guilty about enjoying food does not work for me. Living in peace and love and joy does work for me. Listening to my body does work for me. Allowing my body to find its perfect balance most certainly works for me. And you know what in a few years I will participate in that Triathlon because it sure as heck sounds like fun! Having fun and playing works for me and for those of you who have the perfect body, lighten up a bit and smile when you trot down the greenbelt! You will feel a whole lot better, trust me it works!
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Stunningly Alive |
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The model on the left looks a lot happier to me! |
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Humm I prefer the outfit and the gal on the right! |
From an artistic designer point of view, creating art on a cylinder is a lot easier then on a cylinder with curves. Curves take more fabric, a lot more attention to detail in order for the cloth to drape right. Curves require longer sewing hours which all adds up to More Money Spent creating clothes for Normal people. As ready wear clothing is becoming more cheap and manufacturers are looking for the cheapest and quickest way to produce clothing, the size goes down as well as the quality.
So that honest talk I was mentioning earlier in this post? Well here it is: The Fashion Industry for the majority of Ready-Wear Fashion is basically forcing Americans to conform to their perspective on what is fashionable vs what works and feels right to you because of Money. Yep their money, not yours.
Personally I have no desire to be told by some huge corporation that I should wear this size, I should wear that type of clothing, and that I will not be loved or appreciated by others if I do not conform. Personally that is the same as if you do not believe in God you will go to hell and suffer everlasting death. Really? I think not, at least not for me.
So there you have it. Life is really supposed to be fun and exciting and full of grand adventure! Did you notice I did not mention a certain size clothing? Just checking and hoping that you too will find your joy and peace as well as your own inner strength and passion for living within your heart!
Great writing! It just clicked that what we do, we go into the store, see all these styles of clothes, look to see if your size is there, and nope its not. You walk away, knowing that the only way you will "fit" is by deprivation. I will eat less, work out more, blah blah blah so that I can feel good when I fit into that outfit. I want to look fabulous, feel fabulous in the dress, the shirt, the pants that were made to meet me where I am, because I deserve to feel good no matter what!